Title: Epsilon A.R
Author: Zackery Alexander Humphreys
Genre: Sci-Fi
Hundreds of years into the future mankind has gone under-ground to relocate to Epsilon; a beautiful city run by a strong, secretive government that keeps its citizens in check by subtle manipulation and strict schedules. No one questions the city's authority and no one is unhappy. ALN-896, an average man who is just trying to live a normal life, begins to have dreams; something strange and rare in Epsilon. In his dreams a man named Harry dies. ALN-896 shrugs this off as if nothing has happened. It was only a dream. The next day, however, he is suddenly arrested and sent to prison for killing Harry. Now inside prison, ALN-896 begins to learn about what the government of Epsilon has been doing and he plans on escaping. Not only from prison, but from Epsilon. This one decision turns him against everything he has ever known and forces him to face against centuries of lies. To escape means to live, but what will it cost?
Science fiction is not really my cup of tea but I agreed to
review this book and I am glad that I did.
Epsilon is a town built on very strict, regulatory routines.
People do things that we do everyday but on automation and everything takes
place for everyone at the same time. Everyone is asleep at the same time, gets
up at the same time and go to work and school at the same time.
People here do not have names but their ‘names’ are a
combination of letter and numbers like ALN-896. He works for the reclamation
division and he follows the routine like all the rest. One day however, he
breaks the mould by saving a woman from a fire and soon realises the
repercussions of doing so.
He is thrown into prison for murder for defying the law and
it is here that the inmates are sent to fight to their death. ALN or Alan as he
is known in prison is a strong willed and cannot be defeated.
The book is well written but I did not much like the ending
as it is quite abrupt and leaves one wanting more.
However, being a genre I don't normally read, I still quite enjoyed it.
Author Bio:
Zackery Humphreys is 21 years old and is currently attending the University of California, Santa Barbara studying Theater Acting. He has been writing for about seven years, mostly concentrating on poetry and novels. He has a love for books and for storytelling. Now, through his writing, he is hoping to bring those two worlds together.
Author Links:
Blog: http://www.zackeryhumphreys.blogspot.com
Facebook: (Author Page) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zackery-Alexander-Humphreys/370275879738503
(Book Page): http://www.facebook.com/EpsilonAR
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Zhumphreys
Buy Links:
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